Testimonials & Reviews

Rodeo Drive Women's Health Center
Mental Health & OB/GYNs located in Beverly Hills, CA
Rodeo Drive Women's Health Center always appreciates feedback from our valued patients. To date, we’re thrilled to have collected 566 reviews with an average rating of 4.66 out of 5 stars. Please read what others are saying about Rodeo Drive Women's Health Center below, and as always, we would love to collect your feedback.
Jasmin Leah M.
Submitted 10/26/24
(full review) Dr. Karen Toubi at Rodeos Women's Health in BEVERLY HILLS, damaged my nerves on my (C) private area in the Cliovana treatment we did. 4 months later now, almost 5, and my area is totally damaged and it feels like the nerves on my sensitive spot are totally malfunctioning. The entire area where my nerves were now feels fried, bruised, compressed, itchy, burning, sharp, raw, tingling, 24/7. I have no ability to feel anything normal down there if you know what I mean. I have been deeply depressed for months due to what has happened.
She damaged the exposed nerves on my C area of my private area, in the last Cliovana treatment, when she applied the equipment on my exposed nerves, where I showed her many many times beforehand and expressed to her how sensitive it all is. I came in to her originally because I already had damage on the area, but there was one spot of nerves that still functioned totally normally. That were totally normal and should not have been touched. I expected her to focus on the damage side, as we discussed various times, and around the folds as she was doing in the other sessions but instead, she went directly on the spot where my normal functioning exposed nerves were, in the last minutes of the last session, and now that is totally damaged too. so now it is all damaged. I do not understand how she made those choices, given her understanding and speciality of this area, of nerves, the risk she was taking, my story, I just do not get it and I am traumatized and dealing with so much mental and physical pain, since June (2024). It is currently october 26, 2024. I am going through the same event, again. But this feels even worse given the symptoms and my trauma.
I cannot understand why she made that choice to apply the equipment out of nowhere, pressing into the actual exposed nerves on the area, and pushing it back and forth for a few minutes at the end. She did not do anything like this in the other sessions we had for this Cliovana Treatment. My C feels fried now. It feels fried, bruised, inflamed, burning, and it really hurts throughout the day. I cannot feel anything normal as one would anymore. I forgot what it feels like for it to feel good and normal. The nerves feel totally compressed and gone. It is tearing me apart to deal with this all over again.
As a doctor specialized in this area and who says knows how to use the Cliovana equipment, she should have known not to go directly on the exposed nerves and in the way she did. She stated, "I will now spread the nerves." and then suddenly put the frequency wand directly on my nerves, pushed into it, and went back and forth. I felt it as it happened, it was totally new and took me by surprise. I trusted she knew what she was doing. It was weird because this last session, before I could get up to thank her assistant, the assistant already left and I tried to wait for her after to thank her but she was nowhere to be found. She usually stays to talk and she is very nice, the assistants always were. It felt so weird I felt this weird vibe. And then Dr. Toubi looked at me and said it was in God's hands now and it will hopefully heal, but I told her what do you mean? I already have functioning (she knows my story I told her so many times)... hopefully it will only get better now.
I went home and eventually checked my area and I was in shock when I felt what I felt. It all felt fried bruised, super super sharp, warm, and it hurt really bad. I tried to test it out but it was sharp, raw, burning, and compressed. It felt like something was squeezing my area and a slight burning feeling, as well as tingling. I was in pure shock. And it has been a nightmare ever since. Every few weeks, the symptoms change, I feel the burning way more now, I think it is due to the blood flow from the cliovana, which should not be touching the nerves.. it should not be feeling like this whatsoever is what I mean I feel the overpowering warmness and it is so hard to deal with. It feels unnatural. I feel like any doctor in her place would have gotten that connection of the frequency and bloodflow going directly and interacting with the nerves and how much damage that can cause, so I am so shocked still at her decision to do this. The symptoms I have are overwhelming and I sleep a lot of the day now because I am miserable. The creams she gave me do not do anything.
ANY WOMAN in my position would be devastated. I am too mentally fragile to do anything about this situation. I do not have any strength to do it. So I am making this review. Cliovana also ghosted me the creator acted like he was retired when I got him on the phone and changed his voicemail directly after he hung up on me, to a different company name, pretending he was someone else, when originally it was him saying he was the creator and this was his voicemail... crazy. and Dr. Karen told me they were dodging her calls. It has been a few months now and I see Dr. Karen is still on their website, WORKING with them, even though she knows how sketchy they are. This is my worst nightmare come to life. I can't believe this is all real.
The doctor advised me to use a cream, she sent them to the pharmacy whenever I asked, she has been patient as she should be with my messages, she apologized, and said she is not sure what else she can do but that I now have no choice but to wait for this to heal. I have stopped speaking to her. I cannot take it. Nerve damage is not supposed to happen in this treatment. This entire experience is so traumatic and has been some of the worst months of my entire life.
When I went in to see her again afterwards, a few days later, she got frustrated during the session because I was so upset and not feeling mentally well and I was standing up for myself and not allowing her to say she did not do anything because she absolutely did I feel it I was there it's my body I feel the nerves I know what happened clear as day! I was starting to have a panic attack, she told me at one point out of anger that I can leave. I think she got impatient because of my breakdown, and how upset I was, and even the assistant hugged me after Dr. Toubi left the room. I cried in the assistant's (or PA, sorry, not sure what to call them!) arms and left. I am going through this for the second time, but now I have no hope because both sides are damaged. I am broken. Of course I had that reaction. As a doctor you need to take responsibility for your actions and what you did to another person.
I am making this review so people are careful and do their own research and plan before going to this doctor for anything related to the C area, the nerves, etc. I feel a deep injustice. No one knows that Dr. Toubi did this. Proceed with caution and deep research of doctors in this speciality with the C area, before making the choice to go to this doctor.
Submitted 10/26/24
I love Dr. Patel and the Rodeo Women’s Health Clinic.
I have been going for years and have always received top care.
Rachel A.
Submitted 10/21/24
Jenny J.
Submitted 10/21/24
Zoe D.
Submitted 10/21/24
Jasmin Leah M.
Submitted 10/21/24
Very bad and traumatic experience wtih Dr. Karen Toubi. We did cliovana and she caused damage to my nerves in last treatment. It's been very hard 4 months and no progress. I regret going to her. When it comes to these kinds of treatments go to someone more skilled and knowledgable in the nerves.
Diane K.
Submitted 10/21/24
Aliza G.
Submitted 10/21/24
Jasmine M.
Submitted 10/21/24
Lovely! my review hasn't been posting there may be a glitch with this site. Want to say here i had a great experience with this doctor! Thank You!
Jasmine M.
Submitted 10/21/24
Michelle M.
Submitted 10/21/24
Sara (Miriam) G.
Submitted 10/21/24
Shayna K.
Submitted 10/21/24
Sarah F.
Submitted 10/21/24
Jennifer L.
Submitted 10/21/24
Jasmine F.
Submitted 10/21/24
Rachel L.
Submitted 10/21/24
Jas M.
Submitted 10/19/24
Elisheva R.
Submitted 10/12/24
Amazing experience so far! So quick and enjoyable to work with. Lovely staff. Dr Patel is very well educated. I would definitely recommend to others. I’m very happy here:)
Submitted 10/10/24
I have been seeing Dr Valenton for years and she is amazing. She is incredibly knowledgeable, kind, and answers all my questions. So grateful!
What we offer
Abnormal Periodsmore info
Birth Control Counselingmore info
Mona Lisa Touch Lasermore info
Myomectomymore info
Non-Invasive Prenatal Screeningmore info
Operative Hysteroscopymore info
Cerclage Placementmore info
Ovarian Cystsmore info
Comprehensive Normal and High Risk Pregnancy Caremore info
Dilation and Curettagemore info
Endometrial Polypectomymore info
Pelvic Painmore info
Fertility Servicesmore info
Fibroidsmore info
Pre-Conception Counselingmore info
Pre-Conception Counseling and Genetic Screeningmore info
Pregnancy Terminationmore info
State of the Art Fetal Ultrasoundsmore info
Vaginal Infections and STD Screeningmore info
In-Office Diagnostic Hysteroscopymore info
Labial Reduction and Cosmetic Revisionmore info
Endometrial Ablationmore info
Abnormal Pap Smears and HPV Infectionsmore info
Adult Health Maintenance and Preventionmore info
Menopause and Peri-Menopausal Symptom Reliefmore info
Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic Gynecologic Surgerymore info
MonaLisa Touchmore info
Novasuremore info
TempSuremore info
ThermiVamore info
Myosuremore info
Vivevemore info
vFit and In Tonemore info
Cliovanamore info
IV Therapymore info
Insurance We Accept
Rodeo Drive Women's Health Care's mission is to make exceptional health care more accessible. That’s why we work to accept most major PPO insurance plans and Medicare.
Start by calling your insurance to find out if Rodeo Women's Health Center is in your insurance plan’s network, please call the phone number on the back of your insurance card and provide them with our National Provider Identifier (or “NPI”) number 1295181956. If you seek care outside of your plan’s contract terms, you will be responsible for any charges incurred.