Myosure Specialist

Rodeo Drive Women's Health Center
Mental Health & OB/GYNs located in Beverly Hills, CA
With MyoSure®, removing uterine fibroids, polyps, and other growths, and even resolving your pelvic pain, is easier than ever before. At Rodeo Drive Women's Health in Beverly Hills, California, the team of highly skilled OB/GYNs offers personalized MyoSure treatment packages to restore your quality of life. Find out if MyoSure is right for you by booking a consultation online. You can also call the office directly to book.
Myosure Q & A
What is the MyoSure procedure?
MyoSure® is a groundbreaking minimally invasive treatment for women who struggle with abnormal growths in their inner uterine lining. This simple in-office procedure involves inserting a specialized instrument through your vagina and into your uterus. Your dedicated OB/GYN gently cuts away the abnormal tissue and suctions it out on the spot with the MyoSure tool.
The technology behind MyoSure is so streamlined that it takes just about 10 minutes to remove a grape-sized fibroid. Plus, the procedure is so advanced that your practitioner can remove abnormal growths without disturbing healthy uterine tissue. This preserves your fertility, so you still have the opportunity to get pregnant in the future if you want.
Am I a candidate for MyoSure?
In many cases, you qualify as a candidate for MyoSure if you have heavy, severely painful, or long-lasting menstrual periods that are caused by uterine fibroids, polyps, or other types of abnormal growths.
The MyoSure procedure is designed to remove growths in the inner submucosal layer of your uterus. If your fibroids or polyps are embedded in your uterine wall, a traditional myomectomy or polypectomy might be a better alternative.
At Rodeo Drive Women's Health, you sit down with your OB/GYN and talk about all of the symptoms you’re experiencing. They may order an ultrasound to get a better look at your intrauterine lining to see if MyoSure is right for you.
How long is the recovery after MyoSure?
It takes just a few days to recover after your MyoSure procedure at Rodeo Drive Women's Health. This in-office treatment is performed under a local anesthetic to help you relax. You’re going to need someone to drive you home afterward and ideally stay with you for the first 24 hours, just to keep an eye on you.
You might have some initial cramping or lower abdominal pain after MyoSure, but these side effects generally subside within a few days. Depending on your specific MyoSure procedure, your OB/GYN may recommend avoiding strenuous activities and sexual intercourse for a few weeks to give your body plenty of time to heal.
Because every woman and every MyoSure treatment is unique, your dedicated OB/GYN at Rodeo Drive Women's Health lets you know what to expect during your recovery.
Schedule your MyoSure evaluation at Rodeo Drive Women's Health today. Request an appointment online or call the office directly.
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