TempSure Specialist

Rodeo Drive Women's Health Center
Mental Health & OB/GYNs located in Beverly Hills, CA
The breakthrough technology behind Cynosure® TempSure™ Vitalia restores your feminine health and completely revitalizes your vaginal area. If you’re ready to take control of your feminine wellness, resolve sexual dysfunction, and even treat bladder problems, schedule a TempSure consultation at Rodeo Drive Women's Health in Beverly Hills, California. Request an appointment online or call the office directly to book.
TempSure Q & A
Am I a candidate for TempSure Vitalia?
TempSure™ Vitalia uses temperature-controlled radiofrequency energy to enhance your feminine wellness, without pain, needles, or surgery. This innovative, in-office treatment might be right for you if you have any of the following:
- Vaginal dryness
- Loose vagina or labia
- Minor urinary incontinence
- Pain during intercourse
TempSure Vitalia is also known for giving you a boost in confidence by resolving many other embarrassing and uncomfortable issues you may experience with your intimate area.
What happens during a TempSure Vitalia session?
Your TempSure Vitalia treatment package at Rodeo Drive Women's Health is entirely tailored to you and your specific concerns. The procedure involves inserting a very small probe into your vaginal canal and moving it over your vulvar region to administer radiofrequency energy.
This gentle energy forces delicate skin tissues to heat up, which, in turn, begins a cascade of healing events deep in your skin layers. Once your vaginal tissue reaches therapeutic temperatures, skin cells regenerate, new collagen forms, and healthy tissues make their way to the surface.
The great thing about TempSure Vitalia is that you can have a host of issues treated in a treatment that often takes less than 30 minutes. You won’t have any downtime afterward, so you can go right back to work or your normal daily activities.
When will I have results after TempSure Vitalia?
TempSure Vitalia treatments are some of the most in-demand services at Rodeo Drive Women's Health because results are fast. It’s normal to experience slight redness, irritation, or swelling for a few days after your TempSure Vitalia treatment. These minor side effects are just a result of increased blood flow to the area and the stimulation of tissue production.
After that point, you should notice an improvement right away, with continuing benefits day after day. For optimal results, your OB/GYN at Rodeo Drive Women's Health might recommend having two to three monthly TempSure Vitalia sessions, then touch-up treatments once or twice a year.
Book your TempSure Vitalia evaluation at Rodeo Drive Women's Health today. You can conveniently schedule online or over the phone.
Individual results may vary.
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