Mona Lisa Touch Laser Specialist

Rodeo Drive Women's Health Center -  - Mental Health

Rodeo Drive Women's Health Center

Mental Health & OB/GYNs located in Beverly Hills, CA

Although menopause is a process every woman eventually experiences, painful intimacy doesn’t have to be a part of it. MonaLisa Touch®, offered at Rodeo Drive Women’s Health Center in Beverly Hills, California by Dr. Tiffany Chang, Dr. Jennifer Chen, Dr. Rahil Patel, Dr. Karen Toubi, Dr. Kathleen Valenton, and Dr. Wendy Kim Waldman is a painless laser treatment designed to relieve postmenopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness, and painful intercourse in as few as three treatments. This practice is one of three teaching centers of this procedure.

Mona Lisa Touch Laser Q & A

What is the MonaLisa Touch procedure?

Once thought to be an inevitable part of aging, the MonaLisa Touch procedure gives women who experience painful sexual intercourse, or persistent vaginal dryness, a chance to enjoy satisfying personal lives once again. During treatment, your OB/GYN specialist gently inserts a probe into your vagina, where a CO2 laser delivers a painless energy to the vaginal wall. In turn, the vagina is stimulated to create a healing response, restoring moisture to the vagina by stimulating new cells to grow, as well as strengthening the vagina’s ability to contract. Treatments are five minutes long and can be performed by your specialist's with no downtime, and no side effects.

Who is a good candidate for MonaLisa Touch?

Some women mistakenly think that the majority of their gynecological problems will go away after menopause. However, the majority of postmenopausal women will suffer from some change to their vaginal health. The degree of the severity of these changes will vary from individual to individual. The ideal candidates for the MonaLisa Touch procedure are postmenopausal women who are experiencing Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause. Symptoms include:

  • Vaginal laxity
  • Vaginal dryness, redness, or pain
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Mild or stress-induced urinary incontinence that can lead to leaking
  • Recurring urinary tract infection, triggering a sense of urinary urgency
  • Nocturnal symptoms, or waking up at night to urinate
  • Urgency: the feeling of needing to urinate promptly
  • Hesitancy: the feeling of needing to urinate even after just recently going

The MonaLisa Touch procedure can also help alleviate symptoms of pelvic pain and lichen sclerosis (a skin condition that affects the genital area).

We are a leading center for Mona Lisa Touch Laser. One of our physicians is one of only 3 nationwide physician trainers. We are always expanding the use of laser therapies for women’s health. Please ask our physicians if you have any questions.

How many treatments are required before I begin to see results?

A standard course of treatment includes three treatments every 6 weeks. However, most women report results soon after their first treatment, with even more noticeable improvements after their second and third treatments.

How does MonaLisa Touch compare with other treatments?

To treat vaginal laxity, and painful intercourse, postmenopausal women have only a few options. Some may elect to have vaginal reconstructive surgery, especially if they’ve had a particularly traumatic childbirth experience. Although highly effective, surgery requires extensive recovery time to achieve your desired results. Other postmenopausal women may choose to treat painful intercourse with vaginal estrogen that will attempt to restore moisture and balance the hormone levels in the vagina.This is still an effective therapy and may be of value to the right patient. However, there are many issues with lifelong estrogen therapies which require a full discussion with your physician. There are also other options, from other pharmaceutical pills to vaginal moisturizers.

MonaLisa Touch offers lasting relief from vaginal laxity and painful intercourse in just three five-minute treatments. There are well over 25 peer-reviewed articles supporting the use of Mona Lisa Touch Laser. One of our physicians has an article coming out in Laser Surgery and Medicine highlighting our success. We are the leaders for Mona Lisa touch laser.

Insurance We Accept

Rodeo Drive Women's Health Care's mission is to make exceptional health care more accessible. That’s why we work to accept most major PPO insurance plans and Medicare.
Start by calling your insurance to find out if Rodeo Women's Health Center is in your insurance plan’s network, please call the phone number on the back of your insurance card and provide them with our National Provider Identifier (or “NPI”) number 1295181956. If you seek care outside of your plan’s contract terms, you will be responsible for any charges incurred.

Anthem Blue Cross
Blue Shield
Meritain Health